General Terms of Use

The website https://lostsession.gr/ (hereinafter “website”) is legally owned by the sole proprietorship under the name “GEORGE GELADAKIS – MEANDYOU COMMUNICATION DESIGN” (hereinafter “Company”), situated in Athens, Greece (8 TSAMI kARATASOU, 1174, ATHENS VAT No 109821670).

Both in these terms of use and in the online store Terms of Use which follow, as well as in the Personal Data Protection Policy and in the Cookies Policy, all of which form an integral part hereof, you can find more information about our policies.

The use of our website implies your expressed and unpreserved consent to those terms of use, which refer to its context as a hole. The Company reserves the right to amend and update these Terms of Use anytime and without warning, with a simple announcement of any such amendment through its website. After the publication of amendments, navigation and use of the website implies the unpreserved understanding and acceptance of the said amendments.

Please read carefully these Terms of Use and the terms of providing of Services that apply to each visitor to our website before visiting the website or using the services provided through it.

In case you disagree, you must not use them, otherwise it is assumed that you have already accepted them.


Intellectual Property Rights 


The entire content of this website, including images, graphics, photos, designs and texts, is the subject of intellectual property of THE Company and it is governed and legally protected by the National, European and International provisions on Intellectual Property, the expressly recognized rights of third parties excluded. Therefore, without prejudice to research and teaching purposes, the website content is provided to the visitor/user strictly for personal use only.

It is expressly forbidden to reproduce, republish, copy, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, translate, modify in any manner, partially or in summary, of its content, without the prior written permission of the Company and only for parts of this content. In the event of granting of such permission, a specific and clear reference to the source of the content of this website is also required. Providing to the visitors/users of any and such licenses does not constitute assignment of intellectual property rights to them.

The same provision applies to all logos and distinctive features of the Company or third parties that cooperate with the Company and that appear on the website, thus their appearance does not constitute any transfer or assignment of licenses or rights to use them.

Any subject of intellectual property of third parties appears on this website and generally on this website will be solely under the sphere of responsibility of these third parties.


Change of Content


It is to the discretion of the Company to change the information and content included to the present website, without having the obligation to any prior notice regarding any such change.


Visitor’s/User’s Obligations

Visitors/Users when using the present website and the website in general must on the one hand comply with the provisions of Greek, European and International Law accepted principles of morality and the present terms of use and on the other hand refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior.

The use of the website must be done exclusively for legal purposes and in a manner that does not limit or prevent its further use by third parties. Visitors/users must not perform actions or omissions that can cause damage or malfunction on the website, negatively affect or endanger the provision of services by the Company.


Limitation of Liability


The purpose of the Company’s website https://lostsession.gr/  is to inform the visitor/user in the most complete possible way about its products and services, and its context in no case neither encourages nor prevents specific actions, while the information available to the visitor/user through the website are being renewed or amended due the discretion and the purpose of the Company, without neither guarantying nor being responsible about this, makes the maximum effort so that the information and the entire content of the webpage and the website in general is governed by the maximum accuracy, clarity, temporal proximity, completeness, correctness and availability. However, under no circumstances, negligence included, shall the Company be held liable for any damage that may be caused to the public as a result of the use of the website.

The Company does not guarantee that the providing of software applications and its content will always be incessant and free from defects. The Company does not reassure that the website or the servers through which the website is being provided to the visitor/user is being foreseen without viruses or other kind of malware components.

Finally, the Company bears no responsible in any way for any legal claims aroused by visitors/users of this website or by third parties, whether those claims are civil or penal, for any damage positive or reserve due to causes regarding the function or/and the use of the website or/and inability to provide services or/and information provided by the website or/and unauthorized interventions by third parties to products or/and services or/and information provided through the website. The cost of any corrections or services will be borne by the visitor/user and in no case shall NP be held responsible for it.


Liability for the use of Third-party websites

This website and the Company are not liable about the content and services of other websites that may link to this website nor does it guarantee their availability. The reference (link) to other websites is due to facilitate visitors/users and in no case does it guarantee the availability of their content, policy for the protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of third parties’ website services. Accordingly, the link does not create any kind of legal commitment of the Company and possible issues that may arise while visiting/using the websites to which the links refer will be addressed exclusively to those websites, by which visitors/users have the obligation to be informed about their special terms and conditions and to address in any case of any such issue. As a result, the Company will in no case be held reliable for any damage caused to the visitor/user because of the use of third parties’ websites. The user/visitor will be the sole responsible for the use of those links and the access and navigation through the websites addressed are regulated through their own terms and conditions described herein.

Information Rights (Newsletters) and Individual’s Member Account for Shopping

If Visitors/Users of the website wish so, they can subscribe to the web page by filling in the registration form in order to have the right to be informed by having access to the newsletters and also by creating an individual’s member account (user account) in order to proceed to online shopping via the Company’s e-shop lostsession.gr. By the time of subscribing, our website will send to the subscribed users or any other user that has declared to wish so, (hereinafter “subscribers”) informative emails (Newsletters) according to its own operative program through a particular opt-in mechanism. All recipients of the Newsletters will have the right to unsubscribe from this service via a particular link placed at the end of every email. The context of the Newsletter is formed by the Company and may also include emails of third parties.


Collection and Process of Personal Data.


The Company may collect and process Visistors’/Users’ or third parties’ personal data in order to provide the aforementioned services. Those personal data are being collected and processed in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Greek implementary law 4624/2019 and the Directives, Recommendations and Decisions of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data and in accordance with the legal bases that are provided for in the above legal framework, as described in the the Company Privacy Policy, which we recommend that you read carefully.

This website is using cookies (functional cookies) in order to make the experience of browsing even more efficient, to personalize its content and the content of advertisements, to provide functions of social media and to pursue the analysis of website traffic. The nonfunctional (non- necessary) cookies are disabled by default. For more info about the use of cookies and possible ways to enable or manage them, please refer to our website’s Cookies Policy.


Security-Privacy of Transactions


Our company recognizes the importance if the security of your Personal Data as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum security. All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential.

Regarding the confidentiality of transactions, all information transmitted by the user to our company is confidential and our company has taken all the necessary measures so that it is used only to the extent that this is deemed necessary in the context of the services provided.

Our company informs you that it has no way of knowing, and in no case does not store your password. All orders ar placed as visitor users without a “login” area. Every user is free to choose by clicking the tick box “subscribe to our newsletters”. Only then www.lostsession.gr can forward emails with news, sales or any other type of communication.

Our company maintains a system of backups, protection against viruses, protection against malicious actions etc. In addition, for the security of the visitor, the Company uses high security protocol SSL encryption (Secure Sockets Layer) which is the safest certification system for web sites and ensures confidential transfer of your personal data. The procedure is based on creating a random unique encrypted bits “key” generated at the start of your connection to our system and use this unique key to send data to us. The same procedure is followed when you need to download information from our system with your browser over the internet. The information is encrypted and encoded before starting to transfer over the internet ensuring uninterruptible traffic and decoding at the arrival to our servers. At any point of the web site www.lostsession.gr you are asked or required to enter personal information this is secured by the SSL encryption. For your own safety, you should also treat all information provided through the service as confidential and private and not disclose it to any third party.


Code of Ethics

The operation of our online store is governed by the use of the current Code of Conduct available at https://www.greekecommerce.gr/gr/kwdikas-deontologias/


Online Dispute Resolution

In accordance with Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece with G.M.Resolution 70330/2015, the possibility of online resolution for consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution) process is now provided for throughout the European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting in a non-professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our website, he can initiate the ADR procedure through the single EU-wide platform for online dispute resolution (platform HED) available at:
